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Island Creamery
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Jasselyn's working at Island Creamery. She said she could "scoop big big" for us. Thus we headed down yesterday.

Went there, waited awhile for Jasselyn to arrive before we placed our orders. It was well worth it. Her scoops were mad big:D SLURPP
So as we sat down to eat, it started to pour outside. It got really cold, especially cuz we're eating ice cream. We took the guitar and keyboards provided and jammed. LOVE IT. So Shawn, Sumo and I kept doing the "Beck style buh-bye". Cuz its like Beck has this perma slur to his voice and everytime before he hangs up, he will say "buh-bye" in this funny way. So everytime we did it, Beck will laugh along with us, and we were quite ??? also hahaha so when he finally realised we were making fun of him, he went like "Oh yall trying to imitate me ah?" hahahhaha

So after ice cream, we decided to go for pool. But Shawn had to go home. So the 3 of us cabbed down to Toa Payoh Snookerzone. In the cab..
Beck: "Ay do I really say that? Lemme try"
*Beck takes his phone out, punches a few numbers*
*My phone rings. Becks calling. I answered*
HMS: "Hello?"
Beck: "Hello. Where are you now?"
HMS: "Oh. I'm in the cab with you and sumo, we are going to Toa Payoh Snookerzone for pool"
Beck: "Oh okay. buh-bye."

Pool was good. Actually not really. Didn't play too well.

After pool, Sumo and I had a mad plan to stand 50m in front of the taxi stand to avoid the queue. But we failed. Miserably. Them cabbies trying to become righteous these days.

Oh btw, did you know that Chem is 3?

10:40 PM

Pool with Pioneer JC
Saturday, October 31, 2009

So.. a few days back, Marvin msged me, telling me to look for 3 other friends to spar with 4 of his players from the PJC Pool Club on friday, which was yesterday. He told me to play with them race to 5, loser pays for table. So I managed to get Lionel, my sis's bf, his friend, and Benjamin*.

At first, I was warming up with Lionel. I was also kinda observing how they played. One of them was not bad, the one in black PJC t-shirt. He was very sharp and his placing was not bad. So after the warm up, we opened two tables for the matches. I was made to play with the black t-shirt guy.

So we did the lag to decide who starts first. He won, and he did the break. I was really nervous somehow and I was literally shaking. Scractched(pot the white ball by accident) the first and third round, and foul by touching the ball on the first and second round. I lost the first 3 rounds, and I was down 3-0.Lag. See whose ball closest to the rail after 1 cushion to decide who starts.

Maybe its now when I finally calmed down and started to focus more. I started to pot balls more consistently, and somehow managed to win with a scoreline of 5-3.

My best friend was down to support me, and that made much of a difference:) Thanks, you really made my day:)

Lionel won 5-1 at his table too:D

So we decided to race to 3 instead, as a race to 5 took too long, and they paid quite alot for the table. I was up against another of their player. As usual, don't ask me why, I lost the first round. But I managed a victory with a scoreline of 3-1 at the end. It was a good experience. I guess the tournament last week aided today's results.

So after the pool session, my BF and I went to play Left 4 Dead at Paradiz. We got a survival time of 4:47 at the Generator. Beat that!:D I doubt I got a timing as high when I went with the siodis lol.


Life's good, until it starts to suck.

Oh by the way, is there another name I can call Chi by?

*Sumo. bet you din know hahaha

11:47 AM

The lonely war
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Today is the day of the tournament. I woke up this morning with kinda the same feeling like a day of the promo exams. That same kinda nervousness. I had a little tummy ache too. Its called a "Luak-over"

A Luak-over (pronounced /"lwak-oh-ver/) describes the sum of unpleasant physiological effects following heavy consumption of Oyster Omelette.
Had a 10 dollars plate of orh luak yesterday with siodis.Siodi Tower of Death

20 dollars worth of Oyster Omelette in one picture. SLURPP

So I lay in bed, playing with my itouch apps. Mafia Wars, Street Racing and Vampires. Then I stupidly played tap tap 3. The accelerator goes nuts when you play with an upside down itouch.

Went to bathe and got ready to head down to Toa Payoh Snookerzone. It was kinda different today. Instead of the usual bustle of a crowded pool hall, it was just a few players, one at each table, glove on the servant-hand(opposite of master hand), their eyes.. as serious as sirius black.

I went to look at the chart. It was an open 8-ball tournament, which means people of any age and any seeding can play. I didn't recognize the name of my first opponent, which I presumed was a good thing. "Your table is table 7. Stay there and practise first before your opponent arrives" So I took the set of balls, and made my way to table 7.

"Erm excuse me, didn't I call you tell you yesterday that you were supposed to be in long pants?"

"Oh really? I only remembered you telling me to wear a collared shirt and covered shoes."
So I phoned my mum to bring a pair of jeans down for me. I did my usual warm-up sequence. starting with long-pots. My form sucked. Kinda lowered my moral for the tourny. So my mum came to pass me my jeans, and I changed.

"All players please close the table and gather at the front counter. The tournament will commence soon"

I wasn't ready. I didn't have a choice either.

"Hey, you're playing at table 7, right?"

I turned back, standing in front of me was an 8 feet tall man. Almost the length of a pool table. He was really big sized, and I knew I was in for some deep shingz. Big people are usually some mad ownage at pool. Just like Benjamin "Sumo" See-toh. I could only manage a soft "yeah."

It was a race to 4. He won the coin toss, and was first to break. I had already set up all my cues, including the jump which I don't usually use. It shouts: Don't bother trying to snook me. I can simply jump over the obstacle. It was a wet(not dry) break, and he took the first shot of the match. He missed. I was surprised.

So I went up to table, reciting my textbook basics in my mind. Right leg one o clock, left leg parallel to cue, elbows 90 degrees, take note of pullback speed and distance, stay down on shot. My mind was flooded with information. So I pot the first ball, then the next, then the next, then the next, then the next, then the next, literally. One last solid ball left before the black. It was frozen to a striped. Complacency set in when I decided to just contact the solid ball. Never did I expect it to cost the game. All the striped balls were open, and he cleared all of them. The black included. First rack to him.

The first game is usually deciding, as it shows who's is better, and the leading player would have a better moral. I remembered a quote from pool legend Peter Goh. He once said:"Never have the mentality that your opponent is better than you, and that it is ok for you to lose. If you think that way, you are already defeated."

With that in mind, I made the break for frame 2. I have gotten into the mood already, the competition mood. My concentration and form was at its peak, and I took every chance I had seriously. Frame 2 was to me.

For the following games, I started to feel restless, and somehow I lost my concentration. I took the shots really simply, and all the basics had started to go haywire. I guess I lacked competition stamina. Eventually, I lost the race to 4.

So I went to the counter to punch for the table. Knowing that I had lost, the counter lady told me that he was a really good player, and a regular at Klassic. Klassic is where all the top players in Singapore train, and that place has a very strong competitive aura.

It was a good experience overall, and I have learnt a great deal. Competitive pool is not about being sharp and placing well, but also tons of safety play and snooking, something which I have never really been working on. I guess that's the reason for my lost, a lack of experience. I never regretted joining this competition, and it was a $10 well spent. More worth it than the orh luak I had yesterday. Make me kena Luak-over summore.

I will become a better player.I will never give this dream up.

I decided to walk home. I reflected about the game, and the reasons why I lost. On the way home, I met old people. Then I thought about life. Why do people fight so hard all their lives, only to end up so frail, so helpless, so weak? I took my gaze off them.

I reached home, and placed my cue case at where it usually sits. I then sat down at the computer, and started to blog. It started with something like this: Today is the day of the tournament. I woke up this morning...

12:16 PM

Its Friday
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Today, which is also the day after yesterday, and the day before tomorrow, is the last day for our restructured timetable. Also Priscilla's birthday. Gave her her present during morning assembly, only to get it back later in the morning due to the mismatch of size =.= Why cant all girls be of the same size.. Saves all the hassle hahahaha

Got Brian and Sujin to join my Mafia/Street Racing/Vampires Crew. Mad imba liao. Still looking for more crew members. If you do have these applications on your itouch/iphone, please tell me your User ID!! Together, we can own the world.
Left sch early for Toa Payoh Snookerzone, for the 8-ball tournament. Met up with sumo first. Guess what? I got the freaking date wrong. 23rd is the draw date while 25th is the actual competition. ARGHH mad jag!! So sumo and I played pool and snooker. I have gotten some coaching from Mr Marvin Lim, Singapore's reknowned snooker player, and I'm still trying to get used to the new techniques he has taught me. I guess the improvement was more significant in snooker, as I got a score of 61 and 60 for 2 frames. Sumo got 29 and 42, which was not too bad either. Raced sumo to 9 as a practise for Sunday's tournament. Kinda nervous abt the real thing lol.

Headed down to Meridien Monstercue after that for pool with Peter. It was packed with Rafflesians lol. Its much easier to pot balls there as the pockets are much bigger compared to TPYSZ heh.

Went to watch 500 days of Summer after that. I wasn't aware that Summer was the name of the lead actress=/ Didn't quite enjoy it.. Found it kinda boring. Argh oh well.

Tmr is Siodi day. We gonna LAN! Heh heh heh.. Oh yeah in case yall are still wondering what Tech Whye Williams is, it was the name of my character the last time the Siodis played Left 4 Dead. hur hur. Hopefully we go for some mad orh-luak after that at Newton:D

Quote of the day
*Meng does the break for a rack of pool*
Sumo: OUCH!
HMS: What?
Sumo: The freaking ball hit me lah!
HMS: OMG! It hit your finger?
HMS: okay foul.


Oh by the way, what song did plaza sing?

12:06 AM

Thursday, October 22, 2009

You know what, im actually too lazy to post abt all the post promos activities lol. Its over already anyway(not as if anything i blog about hasnt happened yet but whatever) LOL.

So today is OP dry run for our class. Our group took it really lightly, compiling the powerpoint slides only last night. I also did my script ytd. Couldnt rehearse a shit because I couldnt print the damn script either. As expect, I did a shitty presentation, relying on the script like free and stumbering alot.

But for some reason, I have been feeling damn high recently. Its like a cycle, for a few days I will just be really emo and sad, and the next few days I will be high. Maybe I'm going nuts.

So after screwing OP up, Busty Beck, Sexy Shawn, Scandalaous Sumo and Motherly Meng went to j8. Shawn wanted to go to macs for the Wi-Fi. So I was like "Huh Wi-Fi not 6?" So Sexy Shawn went like "Cuz 7 8 9". ha ha ha so fan-nii

We ended up at food juction instead, cuz theres no orh luak at macs, and I cant survive without orh luak. Managed to whine my way to not go Macs:D

After orh luak, we were deciding whether to go Macs for the Wi-Fi again or Hagen Daz. Decided on the latter, because the post man said so. So the 4 of us babes went for the Eat All You Can offer:D
Lazy to rotate lol

Our first batch:D Tried to take a picture.. but its empty..

Second Batch! Mines the one on the right. Nice right? Like dog shit

Blood 'o Mine. Shawn snatched the menu from me and the metal thing meat hooked me. ouch.

Need I say more? World's hottest guy posing with white creamy stuff.

A picture of contrast, big and small.

Strawberry Cheesecake with 2 choc flavoured ice cream. SLURP!

My phone auto deletes ugly human body parts. HAHAHA

We were playing Spin the Coke bottle game while eating. It was quite accurate!:D

Maybe its just a/an (ugly) korean thing. Bitchy Beck eats his ice-cream whole. You cant possibly have brainfreeze without a brain, so its alright I guess :)

Hung out awhile before I had to go give tuition. My tuition kid bloody drew on my itouch with a pencil. Argh.

Anyway, gonna go for a 8-ball pool tournament at Toa Payoh Snookerzone tmr at 11am. Come down too if you want heh but that also means you might have to pon lectures.

Thats it for now:D Shall end off with some mad appitizers


Orh-some Orh-luak.. Can't imagine life without you <3

9:41 PM

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hey all! As some people might already know, I said I was gonna revive this blog after promos. It has been delayed until now because I have been busy with all the outing and stuff, and I know that people too, will be busy with their post-promos activities, and wouldn't have time to read a blog. Anyway, I try to make an effort to keep my blog updated partly for myself. I wanna keep it like a diary. Sometimes, I go back and read through my old posts and get reminded of the fun I used to have, so they'll never be forgotten.

Ironically, I hav
en't been blogging for so long. It'll be a lie if I were to say that I wanted to concentrate on my studies, as my CT results prove otherwise. But I've got to admit, JC life is so different from Secondary and Primary school life, and there's really much adaptation to do. For me, it hasn't really been a smooth sailing one. At the beginning of the year, Brian Lim and I wanted to set up cuesports as a CCA. I naively thought that it would all go well, thus I did not go for any other CCA trials.

However, it struck me quite hard when it got rejected, and I started to go for some CCA trials such as Street Dance, Interact Club etc. All of which I got rejected, might be due to priority given to JAE students, might be due to lesser spaces left after first trials, or maybe I simply just suck. Not to mention i was one of the directors in Interact Club back in RI.
I was then given the opportunity to be the Overall IC of MR house CIP, together with Jasselyn. It was one hell of an experience. It really allowed me to learn more about myself. Areas which I excel at, and area which I should simply stay away from. Few weeks later came the interviews for MR House Comm. I thought I'd give it a shot since there'd be nothing to lose, and I was already starting to feel the house spirit after MR House CIP. My name didn't appear on the list. It blew what remained of my

Pathetically, in the attempt to look on the brighter side of stuff, I told myself that I have more time to study! But knowing myself, Pool would take priority over books any day. Hence, CTs weren't too smooth sailing either. I told myself I needed to focus, especially for promos. I needed more self-worth. I started my promos revision early, and the pace was just right. However, I am not sure if it backfired when I didn't really study much during the days of the exams itself. Oh well,
for now I guess I'll just immerse myself in the plethora of enjoyment activities and outings for relaxation after all that shit that I have gone through this year, and maybe reward myself for the effort I've put in for promos:)

Basically, like everyone else, I have been going out almost everyday after promos. Its been more than a week now, and this failing memory of mind forbids me to remember exactly the dates or order of which they happened. Thus,

okay lah, at least i remembered that on the last day of promos, Beck, Sumo, Shawn, Rama and I 10S06B pool club, went to Toa Payoh Snookerzone for pool. Brian Lim came along:D raced Beck to a race to 10, and the score was 10-0. Beck won. no im serious. tsk, im not lying. really lah. oei bluff you for what? aiyah thanks for the confidence lah but this time really lost. ... really lah.. he was damn good.. tsk! why dont you believe me! zzz he was good.. maybe i was off form.. IM TELLING THE TRUTH! dont believe ask sumo! k lah just kidding:D went on to race sumo to 5 with a scoreline of 5-1. thought i might have won i have lost my dignity. LOL just kidding just say for fun cuz it sounds damn retarded. but i kinda lost touch after abstaining from pool for like a month. cueing was all over the place, stance felt weird.

AFTER THAT WE WENT FOR ORH-SOME-ORH LUAK AT NEWTON<333 thanks to Marcus Ng, the ugliest siodi, I have been having a permanent craving for orh luak. In fact I have been eating it everyday for the past 3 weeks without fail. Okay actually i missed one day because the meals i had that day didnt allow me to eat it. However, i made it up with some days having two servings of orh luak XD Beck spotted Asahi, some jap beer. So Beck, Sumo and I shared a 2 litre canister of Asahi, while Shawn, being the manlier guy of the bunch, decided that he would take mineral water. I actually got really woozy after 2 glasses of Asahi, which was bullshit as im a hard liquor drinker. Maybe its the malt. Being drunk makes one much more easily irritable.

We were supposed to head to clarke quay after that, but sumo wanted to go home to bathe first.

At his house, he told his mum he was gonna go to clarke quay. His mum's response was "go clarke quay for what? later get raped by girls" we LOL-ed so hard. Upon reaching clarke quay, we met Imran, which was not much of a surprise. Then we met up with Brian and Sujin at Macs. Had supper and a little chat before heading for Brian's estate. Dont ask me why we went all the way to clarke quay to go Macs lol.
We went there by cab
Cab 1: Brian, Beck and I
Cab 2: Sumo + Sujin = Su(mo+jin)
Sialahh no wonder they say my math pro On the way there, the 3 of us in Cab 1 were sharing mad jokes, laughing like genuine drunkards. God knew what happened in Cab 2. At Brian's place, we drank and played blackjack. This is the part where you forget everything that has happened, and wake up the next morning feeling shitty.

I was awoken by a phone call. A phone call I have ever so anticipated to receive. Sujin had gone home by then, as she couldnt stay overnight like any other normal girl. Sumo went down to the punching bags to relieve some angst, while Beck and Brian lay there as good as dead. I joined sumo downstairs, and Brian's mum whos really nice bought us break fast. MacDonalds buffet style. buy all spam on the table take what you want. I laikke(but i bet sumo laikked it more)

After breakfast, i met up with peter to play pool. Obviously i had a mad hangover, and played like shit. Saw this 2 other guys at another table, and remember what i said about being easily irritable? their faced irritated me so i went to ask them for a doubles game loser punch. Almost lost terribly cuz of my bad bad form which i either fouled or miss all the time. Thankfully we still won at the end cuz peter's pool is godlike.

Alright, a break for now before i work on my next post about post-promos activities :D
PS: This post was typed twice due to some fucked up technical error that erased my whole post argh

2:46 PM

Suave. But also must be careful
Thursday, January 08, 2009

K so its like this, yesterday, im supposed to blog, but because i need to do some vid editing cuz i was abit too *ahem* heh. yeah, and to edit, i need to change the file extension to something that Windows Movie Maker recognises, and the converters i downloaded either didnt work, or had a big shitass line of "REGISTER NOW TO REMOVE THIS" right smack in the middle of the video.
Thank you YeanPok for all the help in video editing and censoring.

After we went home from the previous post's skating, Daryl went to stay overnight at someone elses home, so the next day, i went swaving with Marcus. At bukit timah again, this time, the richbitch of the richbitch estate, 6th avenue. this kinda places. cfm got mad cars. Check em out
Rolls Royce from centuries ago

Freakin cool Black Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder
To the driver: Sorry that the pole had to cover your face XD

So we were swaving swaving swaving, swaving swaving swaving, making out way to the destination, taking stupidass random videos.

I'm sure "Wah got car, very scary."

Mad catch XD ROFL AT 0:26 tee hee

And so we reached the destination. Mad Slope of 6th avenue. it was very steep and long, and it was a road, so there would definitely be cars. Notice that these boards do not have breaks, so yeah. if a mad car suddenly appears ah.. so we made our way up.. it was so steep we had to walk up instead of swave up.

Sry i took this vid from the wrong angle. was kinda nervous lol. I had to stop cuz it was really too fast and i had to get off, i knew i would lose control. You can even hear the sound of the wind at the later part of the vid..

Marcus had the balls to go all the way down, just when a BMW appeared, and stopped there. Marcus made it in time to swave away from it, but fell on his back. in the next vid, you will notice his white cap on the ground. I was kinda shocked he fell quite badly so i screwed up the next vid too. partly cuz its a new phone also lah.

When i reached there, i was like omg. his shirt was torn, abbrasions all over the shoulder, blood flowing down his palms from his wound at his elbow. but not whining like a baby haha. his old wound totally opened up again. Gonna show some gory pics below, and if youre afraid of blood and anything of that sort, do visit my blog again soon :)

Quote of the day:
Nigel: So to get to Jurong Swimming Complex, you have to go to Chinese Garden, not Jurong East, and its on the Green Line, so we can meet at City Hall then we all go together.
Lawis: walao, can we go to Juring Swimming Simple anot? its too COMPLEX for me already..
Meng Siew: LOL
Shaun: hahhaha nice one Lawis

12:18 AM

Mad Swave. Suave
Monday, January 05, 2009

Hi all.
Lets start of this first post with a question.
When your hair pees, what comes out?
New year.
Hair Pee New Year.
to all.

Me realises something, I dont blog during hols. Why you may ask. Or maybe you wont. But if you ask, the ans is cuz I'll be too busy. Wowing, Pooling, Swaving. In order of time spent on it.
You may ask, Pro Meng, whats Swaving? I may answer you, but then again, I might not. But if I do, I'd say, its a form of Skating. I know Yuda comes into your mind. Cuz he just appeared in mine, fully clothed of course(or maybe not).

that paragraph was full of shit. Hi, I'm Meng Siew, welcome to my blog all over again.

Pool has been quite okay, but I need to get better for it, for those of you who knows what my plans are.

Wow has been good, although my money reset cuz I reached the stupid limit -.-

Met Daryl from thru Marcus in wow. Went pooling 2 days back. The number of games I lost was 5+3-4-2-2-2-2-2-2-2+6+29-69+2-3-6+65-14. =D

Got inspired to buy a Swaveboard, and I did. So we went mad swaving today, at the richbitch people's houses at Bukit Timah. Mad slopes down there.

We went down the damn long sloped road. There was once this damn truck came damn near us. It was so close that if marcus had an erection, he'd prolly get his willy ground off. I was traumatised for like awhile.

So we thought we wanna go somewhere else, less mad cars. Westcoast Park.

Reached there, skated for awhile, then we found this tunnel kinda thing which looked like a nice terrain for us to mad skate.

Marcus is a mad Vidwhore. We took vids of him going down mad slope from 2 angles. We gonna do more POV vids next time =D

Swaveboard. are you Suave enough?

btw i dropped my phone into the sea, and i lost every single contact. msg me for yours if you want me to have your contact. Oh yeah.

6:21 PM

PSP for sale
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

SOLD!(unless you can seal a deal with me before 10th nov with a good offer)
Finally.. a moment that everyone has been waiting for.. my psp is up for grabs! At a cost.

Frontal Double Biceps..

Lat Spread..

Side Triceps..


PSP Pre-judging..
Thanks for watching the posing routine of my psp. I know its prolly the coolest psp in the beautiful island of Singapore. I know the quality of the pics suck, cuz i lost my damn cybershot phone. but neh mind, as long as the real thing is good.
Oooooh lookie here. my 8GB memory stick. its Memory Stick Micro (M2) 8.0GB in M2 Pro Duo Adapter. one memory stick, two sizes! how cool is that? this is the original sandisc mem stick with the original seal. retails at a price of at least $140. it was $165 when i got it. dont come telling me youve seen some cheapass 8GB stick for like $80 bux cuz it aint got no damn seal and it dosent have an adapter, just plain big shitass card.

Purchase from me and you will get..
1) PSP Slim & Lite(duh) which is less than 1 year old with high-quality thick stickers which will NEVER fold up at the sides for at least a good 5 years I assure you.
Cost of PSP Slim when I bought it(modded, which means you can download games and do not have to pay for the cartridges, or UMDs. If youre from Sony, you did not read the previous sentence): S$280
Cost of Sticker: S$28

2) Original Sandisk Memory Stick 8GB with seal.
I can show you the seal. I paid $160 for it.

3) 3rd generation twin-trigger sound-reactive lights mod.
Or put it simply, the triggers light up according to the volume of the sound.

4) UMD door sound reactive lights mod with trasparent acrylic plate.
Have you ever looked at something (or someone) and just wished that you could see whats inside? Here you go. The back of my psp has had its psp logo replaced with a transparent acrylic plate. The chinese word "Han" is engraved on it. Also has the sound-reactive lights feature.

5) High-speed Twin-USB-cable.
Have you ever though to yourself: Damn. How I wish I could enter both holes at once. Now you can! with this cable, you can charge your psp, and enable USB functions both at once! Bought it at $25

6) Original Black PSP hard pouch.
Was $19.90 when I bought it but its 9.90 USD now.

7) Extra Battery. The original PSP slim battery has a capacity of 1200 mAh. this extra battery has a capacity of 4800mAh. You do the math. Bought it at S$55

8) PSP Charger(came with the psp set). Self explainatory

Now for the most important part. the price. I've stated the price i paid for for the sole purpose of your reference only, and they are not the prices that I'm asking for. I'd say the condition of this PSP is 9.5/10, because I've never dropped it, and it has a screen protector on since it the day it was bought, and it is less than a year old. The thick sticker is scratch-proof, so if you remove the stickers and screen protector, the psp is as good as brand new. I keep it in the case all the time when not in use.
*I will absorb the cost of replacing the screen protector before selling
*The transparent acrylic place can be personalized according to your wishes. Which means that you can provide a design and replace mine. For a cost. You can choose to make do with mine too, still cool XD

the price is negotiable. not that ive stated a price but yeah, you get the point.

interested people can contact me at 9841 7810 or maleo_boom@hotmail.com

2:02 AM

Laugh it out(LIT)
Saturday, September 20, 2008

i know you guys have been mugging like free for EOYs(well.. most of you... okay.. SOME of you).
so heres some stressilase for you to destress.

stress-i-lase [stress - si - lace] Pronunciation Key

any of a group of enzymes that catalyzes stress to cause it to disappear.

let the games begin (:
Welcome to Raffles Insitution
i was angry, and my sister's laptop was the first thing i saw

spot the error ;)

sleepyhead zi. eyes semi-open

cool adult maplers

>>> is LEFT!

yeah, we've heard of frameless specs, but frameless and BRIDGELESS??

9:39 PM
